Hi! My name is Willow, and I used to be a harness horse, pulling carriages on a farm or taking my humans into town. I love to just go with the flow and take life as it comes. I do have a tendency to get easily distracted, so I can be helpful if someone wants to practice being a leader and giving directions.
I’m a Haflinger horse. We’re like a small draft horse: wide, strong and sturdy. That’s why we’re good at pulling carriages. But we’re also on the shorter side, similar to a pony but with the body structure of a horse. I’m a dark liver chestnut (dark brown) with a flaxen (creamy white) mane and tail. Most Haflingers have a lighter, tan coat, but everyone raves over my chocolatey brown color.
I love attention, and I will be the first to greet people at the pasture gate or my stall door. And treats. I just love treats.